Astoria Rose Hair Care Essential Oil Genuine Goods Curly Hair Hair Oil Wash-Free Hair Mask Moisturizing Manic Soft Hair Conditioner
Cosmetic Filing Number/Registration Certificate Number: Yue G makeup net preparation word 2022318729
Brand: Adolf
Shampoo and Hair Care Products: Qihuan Liang Hair Essential Oil
Registrant/filer address: No.7, No.11, Huahui Road, Huashan Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou (can be used as a factory building)
Time to market: 2016
Product Name: Adolf Qi Huanliang Hair Essential Oil New
Production license number of the production enterprise: Cantonese makeup 20160754
Classification of shampoo and hair care products: Leave-In Conditioner
Origin: China
Efficacy: Strong and Tough to Prevent Broken Hair
Efficacy: Dyeing and scalding damaged care
Efficacy: After ironing roll
Efficacy: Improve frizz
Efficacy: Damage Repair
Cosmetic properties: Mildness
Cosmetic properties: Use effect
Cosmetic properties: Gloss
Cosmetic properties: Smell
Cosmetic properties: Degree of absorption
Name of Registrant/Filing Person: GUANGZHOU DEGU PERSONAL CARE CO., LTD
Specification Type: Normal Specifications
Applicable hair quality: All Hair
Whether for special purpose cosmetics: No
Astoria Rose Hair Care Essential Oil Genuine Goods Curly Hair Hair Oil Wash-Free Hair Mask Moisturizing Manic Soft Hair Conditioner

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